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Ocean Breeze #2

Ocean Breeze #2

Regular price €20,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €20,00 EUR
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This earrings are crafted from quality polymer clay and coated with a glossy resin. They feature delicate gold leaf accents and gold painted edges for a touch of elegance. The stainless steel posts ensure comfort and durability, while the smooth polished finish adds a luxurious touch. Inspired by the serene beauty of the ocean, these earrings are the perfect blend of sophistication and nature.

lenght - 2,5 cm ( 0,98 inch)


Uhani so izdelani iz kakovostne polimerne gline in prekriti s smolo, ki jim daje visok sijaj. Vsebujejo zlate lističe, robovi so brušeni iz pobarvani z zlato barvo za pridih elegance. Material je iz nerjavečega jekla, kar zagotavlja udobje in trpežnost, medtem ko gladka površina dodaja luksuzen videz. Navdihnjeni z mirno lepoto oceana so popolna kombinacija sofisticiranosti in narave.

dolžina - 2,5 cm

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